To donate by check, you can make it payable to AGWM, with our account number (ACCT. #2493930) in the memo line, and mail to:
Gardner Acct. # 2493930
1445 N. Boonville Ave.
Springfield, MO, 65802-1894
God has called us to raise up an army of intercessors and missionaries that will take the gospel to foreign lands. We have planted in the past and now see ourselves as not only planting, but watering. So many are coming to Christ, but there comes a point in discipleship where disciples must also share the burden for soul winning and reaching out to the lost in foreign lands. We believe that God has called us to share this important message and to raise up generations of Missionaries. We are grateful for all that God has done through our ministry in the past, but as Loren Triplett once said, "You don’t measure yourself by your success. You measure yourself against the unfinished task.” Thank you considering joining in us in this great, last days endeavor. Let's take this mountain!